AMGA Certified Ski & Rock Guide, Apprentice Alpine Guide

JP Preuss

JP grew up in the highlands of northwest New Jersey. He studied Outdoor Education and Biology at Johnson State College in Vermont. It was here that he learned the basics of rock climbing, backpacking, and traveling in the mountains. Through a college course, JP discovered the Sawtooth National Forest and instantly felt a connection with it. He eventually moved to Hailey, where he resides with his wife, Michele, and two border collies (Galena and Titus) and has been guiding in the area since 2011. He likes to spend his free time doing ski traverses, running ultra marathons, and going on climbing trips. JP is an AMGA certified ski guide and is currently working on becoming a certified rock and alpine guide as well.


AMGA Rock Guide
AMGA Ski Guide
Pro 2 Avalanche
Wilderness First Responder