Spring Powder & Ski Mountaineering

Just when many had given up on winter, April rolled in with some of the best powder skiing since December. A series of cold 6-12″ storms blanketed the high peaks with uncharacteristically light snow for spring, or anytime of year for that matter! With lower elevations in the Sawtooths melted out, the turns have certainly been earned. But those willing to work to access the high country were rewarded with classic steep ski lines in beautiful powder conditions.

Guide Marc Hanselman was the first to sample April’s offerings at the Williams Peak Hut with an Italian couple. A photo he texted looking down Big Fatty had us all chomping at the bit. The second storm arrived just in time for the next hut trip guided by SMG founder Kirk Bachman and Alex Kittrell. This group enjoyed five wonderful days of great skiing, camaraderie, and of course, fantastic food.

With return guests eager to explore new terrain, we ran a couple of tent-based trips in the Monolith Valley. With a high concentration of quality lines easily accessible from camp, it provided the perfect base to take advantage of the great snow and a stable snowpack.

With three Ski Mountaineering Camps coming up between now and early May, we look forward to more steep powder turns before the season ends!

Enjoy the photos and let’s hope the snow keeps coming…